
My main fields are industrial organization and development economics. I’m also interested in environmental economics and theory.

Research papers

The Demand Side of Firm Growth: Evidence from Mexico [draft available upon request]

The Price Effect of Retail Gentrification [under review]

Language Barriers in Multinationals and Knowledge Transfers; with Amit Khandelwal, Madhav Malhotra, Rocco Macchiavello and Matthieu Teachout [Accepted at Review of Economics and Statistics]. See our VoxEU summary.

Acting in the Darkness: Towards some Foundations for the Precautionary Principle; with David Martimort

Policy paper

Quantifying industrial strategies across nine OECD countries; with Chiara Criscuolo, Luis Diaz, Guy Lalanne, Charles-Edouard van de Put, Camilla Weber and Hadas Zazon Deutsch